17 Feb 2023

Philip K.Dick


Philip K.Dick and Sci-fi

by Cándido Pintos Andrés


  1. Excellent piece Cándido! A really nicely crafted and thorough exposé that drives sci-fi front row as well as it retrieves the worth of this genre through you careful mining, and neat assembling of all the smithereens. So nicely “warped” … from the detailed analysis of the words we owe to sci-fi today, to your explanations about the dawning of the genre, the disemboweling of its intricacies and a brilliant rendering of PKD and his work, Artificial Intelligence included! … this deserves an ovation indeed! Bravo! Thank you :)

  2. Excellent work, Cándido! Thanks a lot ❤️


Edith Wharton's "His Father's Son" by Belén Tizón

FATHER AND SON RAMBLING IN SOCIETY  by Belén Tizón Source for image here "His Father’s Son" depicts Wharton’s detachment from soci...