1 Apr 2023

"Hamnet" reviewed by Begoña Rodríguez Varela


HAMNET: Transfiguration of Life into Sublime Art”

by Begoña Rodríguez Varela

Hamlet and the spectre”  By Eugène Delacroix : click here for source

Indeed,to put an end to the unbearable suffering of a Beloved one is an act of sheer love and pure empathy on the part of Hamnet in Maggie O Farrell's novel. It is just swapping places. Amazingly, the eleven-year-old boy becomes a secret hero like the young prince Hamlet in the renowned tragedy written by the Bard.

Initially, Hamnet takes centre stage in the first scene. He appears coming down the stairs in an empty house and wanders through it like a spectre. It is his ghost-like quality that foreshadows his untimely death as "he slips the bounds of the real world and enters another place easily". On one bed lies his ailing sister, with buboes. Feeling powerless and worried, he bursts into tears. Where is mum?

When she arrives and sees her daughter seriously ill, she applies all her knowledge, puts heart and soul into curing her. Unbeknown to Agnes, Hamnet crouches next to his twin sister. The idea that she may die tears him apart. So, one more time, he pulls off their trick and changes places with her. It is his decision. Judith will live, he will die…

His unexpected death causes devastation and each member of the family mourns him differently. Whereas Susanna, his eldest sister avoids suffering, Judith, the other side of him, is racked with pain. Grief-stricken, she finds a three-cornered space, resembling their mothers womb. It is their place. There, she waits for him to come back.

"No, my love, he will never come again,"Agnes replies and her tears start rolling down her cheeks. From them on, she tries to feel the spirit of her son somehow, but her intuition and extrasensorial powers fail her. Her relentless pursuit of Hamnet's ghost only finds parallel to Judith's, who goes out every night surreptitiously looking for him or his changeling. The Bard seems absent, though … Or Not. 

In London, almost four years after Hamnet's death,he is on the point of releasing and performing a tragedy entitled "Hamlet. " While on stage, Agnes is there watching. She is deeply moved when she sees her husband playing the role of a ghost,whereas his son, the young prince Hamlet is alive. He resembles their son, his gait , his voice. Finally, the Bard has swapped places with Hamnet and brought him back to life. This time… Forever.


  1. Marvellous as always, Begoña! Outstanding description of “Hamnet” as a ghost, paralelling him with “Hamlet.” Equally, the evocative imagery you have used to refer to the “three-cornered space” emulating their mother’s womb is also very powerful! “Forever” is the other crucial word that crowns your thoughts and which captures the spirit of immortality and unforgetfulness that Maggie O’Farrell might have pursued in her novel. Loved it!

  2. Amazing my friend 👏👏👏👏❤️😘

  3. Beautifully written and truly evocative of the most painful experience. Sadness and hope go hand in hand when immortality can be found in art.

  4. Indeed , losing a child is the worst experience a parent may undergo but also for a sibling ,if there was a very close bond and a deep connection. Thanks for your comment.!


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