6 Nov 2021

ABHILASH TALKIES and small things


Abhilash Talkies and small things

(Chapter 5 The God of Small Things)

Session 4th November

Keywords: Loss of Innocence, trauma, manhood, rites of passage, Lemondrink Orangedrink man. “Rub-a -dub -dub three women in a tub”

Abhilash Talkies advertised itself as the first cinema hall in Kerala with a 70mm CinemaScope screen. To drive home the point, its façade had been designed as a cement replica of a curved CinemaScope screen. On top (cement writing, neon lighting) it said Abhilash Talkies in English and Malayalam.”

After a tug-of-war in the tailfinned Plymouth, Ammu, Baby Kochama, Estha and Rahel are ready to overcome initial dissension as they cross the foyer of the Abhilash Talkies to indulge in the film “The Sound of Music.” It is ten to two, the time that freezes in the narrative in Rahel's toy wristwatch. “Big things lurk inside” (a leit motiv in the novel) and await them . 


THE SMALL THINGS: the red formica door, the slippery oily floor, the dirty marble floor, “the meat smelling blood money” the butcher gave Kochu Maria and that Estha remembers, the rusty forgotten cans of possible "Pickles and Paradise" preserves in the urinary seed a landscape of sheer desolation and ominous trauma wrapped up in nursery rhymes and the sound of music.

The hall heralds division and impending tragedy. The toilets establish the divide between “HIS” and “HERS”: Ammu, Baby Kochama, Rahel on the one hand, and , Estha, on the other. Estha braves the toilets alone, his first act as a little grown man: “Estha alone in his beige and pointy shoes.”

The three women traverse the “HERS” red formica door:

“Rub-a-dub-dub (Rahel thought), Three women in a tub, Tarry awhile said Slow…”

““Rub-a-dub-dub” is a traditional nursery rhyme that dates back to late 18th century England , “ the word “maid” being redolent of virginity. “Later research, according to The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes (1951) suggests that the lyrics are illustrating a scene of three reputable men watching on the sly a less decent moment” (see source for this quote below). The three maids were later replaced by men (ibidem), and Rahel replaces them by women. The possible meanings and connections of this suggestive finding I leave to you (Keywords: gender issues, the act of peeping...)


Estha singing in a nun's voice, Estha alone, Estha lost in a nursery rhyme tub to be ogled and molested.

Disrespectful actions are ahead. Estha cannot hold himself from singing in the theatre. He is reprimanded and forced to go out. In the hall, fatal destiny looms over him in the shape of a sulky peeved bear-like man.  The Orangedrink, Lemondrink man cajoles Estha into yielding to his dishonest petition. Brutal awakening freezes in time.

Other interesting discussions proffered in this session were: Velutha as the iridiscent beautiful God of small things, “Locusts Stand I,”pervading alarum that Ammu repeats as a mantra, miscegenation, other Fairy Tale comparisons of episode 5, “Little Red Riding Hood,” the language rift (Malayalam and English) … I beckon all participants of last session to develop and make visible through your comments these or other sharp insights you contributed with in the last session.

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