19 Nov 2023

Week 2: "The Turn of the Screw"

Chapters VII-XII

A review by Sonia García Pérez

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I am just a poor country parson’s daughter who has committed herself to taking care of the most gracious, incredibly beautiful and divine children. Little Miles is even too clever for a bad governess to spoil, but he must not return to school… not yet. I am so proud of having been chosen by their uncle; a gallant, charming and splendid gentleman who depends on me to carry on this task successfully.

I am sure that Flora also saw that pale and dreadful woman on the other side of the lake. Mrs Grose and the children know her well as she was Miss Jessel, my predecesor; the one who died. But I am getting used to my danger now and I know my duty as these children need to be saved and shielded. Otherwise, they are lost and will be taken away.

When I first met that base menial called Quint I caught my breath and turned cold. I was so afraid of him… but not anymore. Last night I saw him at the top of the stairs fixing his eyes on me as he had from the tower and the garden but, this time, I felt no terror because dread has quitted me and I have the courage to fight.

The fairy tale is over and Bly is no longer a castle of romance but a big, antique and dull house inhabited by the living and the spirits of the dead and I swear to God that I won’t fail on my duty to protect these poor children.


Edith Wharton's "His Father's Son" by Belén Tizón

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