Saturday 2 April 2022

VISUAL POETRY INSPIRED BY "The Heart of the Matter" (Graham Greene)


Source for photo: Drawing by María Ángeles Machado Panete

Monday 28 March 2022

Graham Greene and the Spies (Richard Greene)


“A splinter of Ice in the Heart of a writer” (Graham Greene)

To understand Greene’s liasons with espionage, watch the following video by Canadian Professor Richard Greene on “Graham Greene and the spies”.

Greene was a contrarian with a taste of paradox and a sympathy for outsiders. He was never finished fighting the demons of his childhood” (Richard Greene).

Mentioned; Anthony Burgess ( writer)

Philip Kilby (Soviet spy)

 See article in The Guardian about a play on friendship and betrayal between Graham Greene and Kim Philby

"The Merchant of Venice"

  "The Merchant of Venice." The Way you See it. de Ana María Sánchez Mosquera