2 Apr 2022

VISUAL POETRY INSPIRED BY "The Heart of the Matter" (Graham Greene)


Source for photo: Drawing by María Ángeles Machado Panete

28 Mar 2022

Graham Greene and the Spies (Richard Greene)


“A splinter of Ice in the Heart of a writer” (Graham Greene)

To understand Greene’s liasons with espionage, watch the following video by Canadian Professor Richard Greene on “Graham Greene and the spies”.

Greene was a contrarian with a taste of paradox and a sympathy for outsiders. He was never finished fighting the demons of his childhood” (Richard Greene).

Mentioned; Anthony Burgess ( writer)

Philip Kilby (Soviet spy)

 See article in The Guardian about a play on friendship and betrayal between Graham Greene and Kim Philby

Edith Wharton's "His Father's Son" by Belén Tizón

FATHER AND SON RAMBLING IN SOCIETY  by Belén Tizón Source for image here "His Father’s Son" depicts Wharton’s detachment from soci...