26 Feb 2022

Revelations 2 (Creative Writing )


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"Now, here in back, like I said, is DISCOVERIES AND REVELATIONS or maybe ILLUMINATIONS,that's a swell word, or INTUITIONS okay? In other words   you do an old familiar thing, like bottling dandelion wine, and you put that under RITES AND CEREMONIES.  And then you think about it, and what you think, crazy or not, you put under DISCOVERIES AND REVELATIONS. Here's what I got on the wine: Every time you bottle it, you got a whole chunk of 1928 put away, safe. How you like that, Tom?"

 "Dandelion Wine" by Ray Bradbury

REVELATIONS (Creative Writing)

Revelation 1 by Begoña Rodríguez Varela

 -"You never looked like Mum, Granny, some Aunty or someone we know... Maybe you were adopted and we were never told..."

- "Kinda family secret" - said she absentmindedly

-Yeah... Maybe.

When she said was 19, it became obvious for Granny..

... she lifted her head from "Boule de Suif". There she came, Granny, walking briskly towards her,smiling sweetly. Her head was a little tilted to the right.

-"You are alone, my dear."

-"I call it enjoy my own company."

Laughter. Then silence

-"Once I had a little sister."

-"I have never seen her.... Or heard of, Gran."

The old lady lowered her voice and cracked.

-"She died very young. 24. She didn't talk to me about him, about the matter... She didn't rely on me... That killed me a thousand times more than her death. Anyway..."

Her owl's eyes fixed on her.

-" You remind me of her. Her spitting image."

Revelation 2 by Mila Prol Rejo

Church and Sundays: Change your appearance, dress in new clothes, comb your hair, gather around the church. On Sundays, jeans and T-shirt were a humilation to mother.

Revelation 3 by Cándido Pintos Andrés

That year I knew that some summers would stay for long in our memories, and, that from time to time they would appear again so vividly before us that we would live them again as though  time had never gone by.

Because that year I learned to dance with her, the same dance than the year before, but in a different way…. because we both were different that year, and, because we had never Iooked at each other that way.

I also learned that summer promises are not unbreakable, and, that a short age gap is a wall harder than a 70 km distance in the eighties for a boy without driver’s license and that the scent of a perfume could be unforgettable.

Revelation 4 by Marián Machado Panete

In hindsight, going through summers seems to me like coming out of a cocoon, a new world opened up to explore. The awakening of the senses suddenly created the best farmland for the weirdest dreams and experiences.

A pervasive atmosphere of endless possibilities ran in the air. Failure was not in our minds, we joyfully took any challenge, we carelessly let ourselves follow our most tender feelings. It was like never wanting to return to the structured and oppressive academic winter time. There was certainty about our harvesting a collection of unexpected touching memories that will transform us forever.

Revelation 5 by Servando Barreiro

Light, long days, life reborn, summer fruits, sun, water, and heat.

Feeling light. Awakening of the senses. Attraction of the bodies.

The mystery of life and death.

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