20 Jan 2025

"The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D.Salinger

 “Growing Pains” in J.D.Salinger’s “The Catcher in the Rye”

Póster for Sale con la obra «Holden Caulfield, Catcher In The Rye» de  mindesigner | Redbubble

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Holden Caulfield ushers us into the story of his life: “If you want to hear about it” no problem”, but warns that he will not follow the line of that “David Copperfield’s kind of crap.”

Having a look at the first chapter of Charles Dickens’s “David Copperfield,” a first-person narrator details the precise hour of his birth, day, and circumstances: Friday, midnight, dispossessed, and with a caul that was bid for. Begoña brought the interesting meaning of “caul” a membrane that covers the newborn’s face and body, a case occurring once in 80, 000 births. A symbol for protection? The sage ladies have prophesied David’s unlucky destiny as well as his gift to see ghosts and spirits, a flair all “unlucky children” have according to David. 

Caulfield’s narrative does not deviate from David Copperfield’s. His name evokes the “caul” / David Copperfield’s protecting membrane. He chases the ghost of his brother Allie and the ghost of his bygone childhood to face the “pains of growing.” And we are certainly given “oodles” (to follow the language game) of factual information about him as well: he attends expensive schools; has three siblings, Phoebe, Allie who died, and D.B., a writer he says has prostituted himself working for Hollywood.  He comes from a well off family and his granny has lost it giving him money for his birthday more than once a year. His father works as a lawyer, and his mum seems to suffer from a nervous condition.  He wears a red hunting hat, and has been "axed" from some phony schools.

He initiates his ritual into adulthood on a Friday / weekend in a Dantesque (metaphor owned to Mónica) and Joycean perambulation through the streets of New York after being “axed” (expelled from) his phony school “Pencey,” to finally reach his parents’ home, his return to his Itaca. A teenage sulking and nonconformist tone pervades the whole novel passing harsh and vitriolic criticism on the world he evidences. Traumatic experiences, beatings, unrequited love, unfairness, physical and moral abuse, and social double standards are some of the hurdles he must overcome. He unquestioningly states that the only thing he would like is to catch the children in the rye, to save them from falling into the precipice as Robert Burns poem recounts, yet, Burns's poem has sexual undertones that infer the danger might go deeper.

Where do the ducks go when the lake freezes? He questions. Sonia highlighted very interestingly that Holden appears towards the end of the novel, sitting by the empty frozen lake, on the brink of pneumonia.  This idea that frantically chases Caulden reminisces Yeats’ “The Wild Swans at Coole” (click here to read the poem) as a symbol of what is gone, and changed. Unlike the avian flock, time freezes and perpetuates in museums within their glass cases: the Indian natives are crystallized in a moment, but Holden thinks we are never the same person twice.

The relentless Heraclitean loop of time spares no child, a truth reflected in the narrative through Phoebe, who embodies the emblems of Caulfield—a hunting-red hat perched on her head and a suitcase in hand—when they agree to meet at the museum. Caulfield muses that time seems to freeze in museums, yet the observer is never the same when gazing upon the exhibits, and growing pains.

I took my old hunting hat out of my pocket while I walked, and put it on. I knew I wouldn't meet anybody that knew me, and it was pretty damp out. I kept walking and walking, and I kept thinking about old Phoebe going to that museum on Saturdays the way I used to. I thought about how she'd see the same stuff I used to see, and how she'd be different every time she saw it. It didn't exactly depress me to think about it, but it didn't make me feel gay as hell, either. Certain things should stay the way they are. You ought to be able to stick them in one of those big glass cases and just leave them alone. I know that's impossible, but it's too bad anyway. Anyway, I kept thinking about all that while I walked. “ (Chapter 16)

1 comment:

  1. It seems that ducks’ tale is not just a Caulfield’s obsession. I remember a quite funny similar story in the marvelous film "Fried green tomatoes" (1991) based on the book "Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe" by Fannie Flagg ...

    Link to the scene https://www.youtube.com/clip/Ugkxdb7D5pxEQ26HLy-_3J_c5szHi_C2F6yW

    Original script:

    “Buddy : Think that's a big lake,you should've seen the one next to our house.We used to swim in it and fish.
    I sure do miss it...sure do
    Ruth : What happened to it ? did it dry up ?
    Buddy : No, worse than that.last fall, a flock of ducks,forty or fifty of 'em, landed right smackin the middle of it.
    This fluke thing happened. The temperature dropped so fast that the whole lake froze...in three seconds, just like that !
    Ruth: Those poor little ducks. did it kill them ?
    Buddy : No, they flew off and took the lake with 'em. To this very day, that lake is somewhere over in Georgia.”


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