12 Oct 2023

"Face" by Alice Munro



Face by Alice Munro

 Keywords: Birthmark, drama, judgement, relationships, what if… Click here to read the story in “The New Yorker.”

“Face,” the title that the short story honours, is a decoy for a more expansive ripple (other than the visible “face”): selfhood, relationships between children, adults, peers and the muted voice of a vitriolic community .. . The narrator is physically “branded” from birth by a mark on his face. The narrator ushers us into the journey of his selfhood through the overstretched sinews of his family life. His father rejects him from birth as   “ a chunk of chopped liver,” his mother protects him by endorsing “his” birthmark as a token that will make the “white of that eye look so lovely and clear “ and which he adds,”was one of the idiotic though pardonable things my mother would say.” Rejected by his father and protected by his mother, the narrator undermines all judgement: “One side of my face was—is- normal. And my entire body was normal from toes to shoulders...My birthmark not red, but purple.” This retrospective narrator stands rationally athwart between his father’s derogatory treatment and his mother’s aegis.

His clinical incisiveness by referring to his physical appearance from a rational point of view, his right away rejection of his father’s conception, his subtle allusion to a voiceless body of an omnipresent community, as in many other Alice Munro’s stories, “a son, which is presumably what all men wanted” wage war about the expansive wave of many of the other connections that will take place in the short story. The rift between his parents is older than him:  “In all my years in the town, I encountered no one who was divorced, and so it may be taken for granted that there were other couples living separate lives in one house” (141)

In town, people said “she was beautiful, some people told me” (page 140) and also, they say  (he) ”Calls a spade a spade. That was what was said of him” (140). In this place, “hate and despise are customary.”

This is the drama of ordinary lives, children call each other names Grape-Nuts, Stink, His Grace… Pete has been to the war and he is now a gardener with a limp, who is called nazi by Nancy and the protagonist to serve their random fancies. Nancy cruelly paints her face red to imitate the protagonist, who comes to a terrible realization that his birthmark might be that red, but, who does not take it as badly as his mother who goes berserk and vents her wrath through the many tentacles of hidden pain. She snips gladiolos in a frenzy, because she cannot hold Sharon nor Nancy any longer, She cannot longer swallow the infidelity of her husband with Sharon, “Sharon dewy rose” as the hymn at school went. The birthmark expands the ripple through the innards of less visible pain. This is about the great drama of Nancy who looks for connection and cuts her face with a razor to mirror the narrator. They both had feelings, “such deep feelings. Children have,” because they have both listened to “Alice in Wonderland’s stories” and wonder about the potions that might be poisoned and make you smaller so you can fit through the hole. Nancy’s father died of blood poisoning.

This is the “Great Drama,” as he calls it, which is not really a drama, but lives, a life, a job indeed, the narrator’s job as an actor: “my voice stood me in good stead,” he says.  Another voice stands him in good stead when stang by a wasp, at hospital, and blindfolded, he listens to familiar narratives he knows, read to him by a mysterious reader.  There is only one he is not familiar with and which he finds among weathered pages, and probably "buried in a deep cubbyhole of his mind": Walter de la Mere`s.   Walter de la Mere's poem bespeaks of time that does not really heal, and absence.

You may never come across what you have left behind, but what if …. “the answer is of course, and for a while, and never”



  1. "One always returns to where they were in love only to regret having missed the chance" True. In fact, at the end of the story the narrator says "In your life there is the one place where something happened ...." So , what is he referring to? Obviously, Nancy and him had a special connection ,until a "child´s play " triggers the tragedy and they are separated.The Great Drama.
    Whether they were siblings or not , the story doesn´t explicitly say ,their love was there .However, their separation , seems to have affected them differently. Whereas the narrator continues with his life ,Nancy decides to cut her cheek This way , one will forever be the reflection in the mirror of the other...both sharing a similar sign of identity.
    Finally , if they had met again, would things have changed? The answer is of course, for a while or never.
    That is to say , it doesn´t really matter...

  2. “THE OTHER SIDE OF THE FACE ( A rewritten story)”

    When I woke up I found on my bedside a handwritten piece of sheet and a yellowish envelope attached with a paperclip.
    With my swollen eye and the other one ajar I could read a familiar phrase “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that (…)” and the first thought that came to my mind was “a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife" as a continuation of our game. Of course it was the nurse the author of the note.
    I turn back the paper and read “You took the bait! Forget our game and remember "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that …. there is no greater love than the parents’ love for their child"
    It’s been a great time to meet you ... again
    Please take your time and read it carefully
    With love Nancy”

    A bit astonished by the reading I tore opened the envelope:

    “Dear son,
    If you are reading this, it is no doubt that I have passed away and you already know Nancy is your sister. Now, from my bed, it is not easy to sum up so many years of suffering while you both make fun of me… “Your Grace “. I deserve it.
    I have made many mistakes during my life but you are not one of them definitely. During our first years of marriage we tried to have children to fill up the emptiness between your mother and I with no success. In fact, it was a miscarriage what made your mother get crazy and obsessed with blood. Since then nothing was the same
    We should have separated then but I was a coward and It would have been a shock four your mother and all our community, full of hypocrites who knew our marriage had failed but preferred to see us together to hide their own miseries. I hate them all indeed, but I don’t care
    At that time, I had found love in another woman (yes, you can call it cheating) and we were expecting a child when I was told I was going to be father again. I knew since the very beginning that it would fix nothing but I did not reject you at all.
    The problem was that your reddish birthmark was a signal for your mother and she blamed herself for splashing her cursed blood on your face: I did love you as you were, but she thought she had failed as a wife and as a woman and she devoted to you to redeem herself. You became for her not just her life but a shelter and a reason for a failed marriage.
    Sharon (Nancy’s mother, you know) and I agreed to raise both of you as close as possible but when she caught you in the tent sharing your first intimate experiences, we realized that it would be the best to move away.
    After the unfortunate incident with the paint was when your mother tried to slash Nancy's cheek and Sharon decided to run away for good. Thank God she did not sue her but we broke up and my life, if I could name it so, ended that day
    I don’t ask you to forgive me, but to think how things could have changed, for a while and never”

    1. What a wonderful piece of creative writing, Cándido! You have indeed given a voice to the inaudible voices by writing this engaging sequel to the story. This is done in the fashion of narratives that inspire other great narratives as we have seen with Maggie O’Farrell getting inspiration in "Hamlet" by retrieving the historically-marginalized voice of Hamnet. Similarly, Brontë´s "Jane Eyre" inspired Jean Rhys to write “Wide Sargasso Sea,” to unravel the background of Bertha Mason, the madwoman in the attic, back in Jamaica, or Polly Teale who wrote “Mrs Rochester” and continued spinning the wheel of Charlotte Brontë´s novel in drama.


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