1 Apr 2023

"Hamnet" reviewed by Cándido Pintos Andrés



by Cándido Pintos Andrés

It is a story of pain, the pain that, more than love, makes us equal, so equal that we can’t distinguish the eternal writer from the errand boy, the cheating husband from the unforgettable bard or the swan of Avon from a glove seller.

It is the story of a woman with special skills, mother of a special twin but, ultimately, a universal mother of a foreseen dead one.

It is the story of a glover afraid of delving into his mind, a glover who needed the skin and for whom the rest was useless

It is the story of a wife’s grief, a dangerous current that might suck them all, plunge them under, drown their voices forever

It is the story of a boy who died, who half died but survived embodied in his twin sister, a boy resurrected on the stage.

And this is the story of a word that exists just, if you want to listen, that exists just for the orphans or the widows but not for the twins that are no longer twins, a word that the greatest English word-maker would say to his weeping daughter: “UnHamnetness”


  1. Thank you very much for your review,Cándido! It is really poetic, beautiful, and it gives one the goose pimples of emotion, and thrill. This is making literature about literature indeed::), it follows the tone and tune of the book, and every line captures the spirit of the different moments in the story, the acme of them. With my hand in my heart, I can simply say, I loved it!


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