16 Apr 2022

"Invisible Ink"


Invisible Ink: The Untold Stories of

"The Heart of the Matter"

by Graham Greene

The Heart of the Matter spins off a factual thread of suppressed interlocutions that might have ensued in dramatic outcomes, but, which are, conversely, banished in the interstices of the novel following the pattern of Scobie’s diary factual account. Using Aimee Liu’s phrase “invisible ink,” the following creative writing pieces constitute those untold stories that might have confronted characters in unrepressed emotional strain. Marián Machado has recreated an invisible and inexistent- in -the -novel conversation between the two women: Louise and Helen, wife and mistress; Begoña Rodríguez overtly exposes the undercurrent of the word “adultery” that ricochets the novel but always dodges articulation between Louise and Scobie; Cándido Pintos vents the voicing of Ali’s death thawing Scobie’s phlegmatic distancing with Yusef; and, finally, Margarida Pereira tempts Helen through Scobie’s voice to abandon Sierra Leone. Helen’s resistance is crafted in an articulated speech of love.



Louise is at the beach with Mrs Carter, her unexpected ally in her husband’s mistress affair. Fate has made the two rival women, Louise and Helen, bump into each other in the ladies room.

-Helen shoots: “ How did you marry him? Social pressure?”

-“He was the one, we had a mission to accomplish in the world”

Louise retorted.

-“Have you ever cared for each other’s hearts? “ Helen asked


-“We’ve been married for twenty years. How dare you judge our

marriage, when you have only known him for a couple of months?”

Louise reacted defensively.

- “Enough to share passion, tenderness, understanding, the best of

him. But. for sure, not the clue of your relationship” said Helen.

-“Her only woman before God!” sentenced Louise.

-“Poor thing! No matter how loud and often you repeat it, you know

deep inside you that a love like ours is only in books for you” added

Helen while leaving the facility.



Scobie- Adultery is more fun. It may happen to anyone who's got feelings.... You enjoyed being with Wilson so much.

Louise- We both loved poetry

Scobie-... He kissed you, Wilson said. Was it a kiss from the heart? Or from a book?

Louise- Out of despair, maybe. What about Mrs. Rolt? You must remember marriage involves responsibilities.

Scobie-With love come responsibilities, not with marriage.



Scobie pushed the door and went steeply into the store.

Scobie: What have you done Yusef…he was just a boy !

 Yusef: Morning my friend, what can I do for you..what are you talking about?

 Scobie sat down on a shaky chase and closed his eyes while he cleaned the sweat off his forefront

 Scobie: Ali, Yusef ..Ali ..my Ali ! Do you dare to tell me you don’t know he was killed last night?

 Yusef: Oh my friend Ali..a good boy, I know, it was a pitty ..I knew his uncle ..he was one of my .. mm..  how do you say? “acquaintances”?..ohhh an awful story Do you have any clues about it?

Scobie: Yusef only God knows that I will do my best to find the murderer and if anything points at you I will have no mercy ..I will..

Yusef: Yes sah..you are a wise and good policeman..I have no doubt, my friend, that you will try, but It is wartime and everything is complicated. It is curious how you can adapt to this life but even so you think you are still living in the UK..but with a black boy as a servant and a mistress in your bedroom.. you pretend to be fair but you chose to be blind. You are my friend Scobie but this is Africa



Scobie : Are you happy my darling? Do you enjoy living in this harsh place, so far away from home? The torrid sun, the unbearable rain, the swarms of mosquitos… You must dread going back..

Scobie thought to himself. If only she would go.. this burden would be lifted off my shoulders.. 

Helen: I’m very happy Scobie. Since I arrived I have only been treated with kindness. I love going to the beach, and the weather doesn’t affect me very much. Somehow, I feel safe here. On top of all that, I have you. After everything I went through, I never thought I would survive, let alone fall in love. Thank you for everything you have done for me.

Scobie: I’m very glad to know that. Your happiness is my responsibility. If you ever feel alone and want to visit your relatives and friends, or if you just miss your hometown let me know. I’ll do anything to make you happy. 

Helen: You don’t need to worry Scobie. Honestly, as long as you are well I am too. I won’t lie, it would be nicer to spend more time with you and not to have to hide our love. But, if this is the only way we can be together then be it. I am very grateful to have you in my life.        

Scobie kissed her. He felt moved by her words and thought to himself. Am I really making someone happy?  Maybe all this suffering is worth something… I don’t want her to go away. She is so different to Louise. Realising how little she needed to be happy and how much she cared about his well being made him love her even more.

These stories will be next in Radiolinguas,

 the radio of the EOI of 


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