16 Oct 2021

THE RESERVOIR by Janet Frame



 Session 14th of October:

 The reservoir is suggestive of the magic of words in their myriadfold trickeries:  words that are empty like clichés, words that do not dare to be uttered but through a blushing euphemism, words that lash back with new meanings eavesdropping in the corner of our lives, words that lead us back to times that are gone, and that have been revisited through faded memories to give sense to our existence.

In this session, we have shyly intruded in Janet Frame's short story "The Reservoir," and as usual,  not without a preamble.  To understand Janet Frame's short story "The Reservoir" to the very entrails, I would suggest this fantastic article by Ian Richards with a very close reading of all the intricacies of the narrative.


Dark Sneaks In: Essays on the Short Fiction of Janet Frame



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